Monday, March 28, 2011

The question Sunday during Community Time was:
"Have you ever thought you understood a problem or issue you were facing only to discover that it was were facing only to discover that it was something different or bigger than expected."

It's my life at work as a software programmers, I experience this on at least a weekly basics. I have been doing this work for decades, when there is a problem I immediately look for something in my experience that is similar. Normally I find something even if I have to force the current situation to fit. I do not want to discount experience, but many times especially in a world as fast changing as high tech, experience sends me down the wrong track. I jump to the wrong conclusion, spent hours looking in the wrong place, maybe along the way blame other programmers or the users for the problem. Then I realize what I am doing is not working, stop and go back the the basics of troubleshooting a problem. Then normally I am able to solve the problem.

Unfortunately the same thing applies many times in my walk Christian. I start thinking about all the situations, that I have experience in my Christian life. Start jumping to the wrong conclusion about what God wants me to do about the current situation. When in fact as Fred said quoting Micah.

This is what the LORD requires from
to do what is right,
to love mercy,
and to live humbly with your God.
- Micah 6:6-8

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

As a sort of follow up to this morning's conversation I want add a quote that follows along with what Matt was saying.

"A Christian can lose the Christ-life which has been put into him, and he has to make efforts to keep it. But even the best Christian that ever lived is not acting on his own steam - he is only nourishing or protecting a life he could never have acquired by his own efforts."

Mere Christianity
C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just for Rusty....

I haven't found a Church we're happy with yet...but...the local Rugby Club is less than 10 minutes from my house :) They are however, no where near as good as Raleigh.....
